Tuesday, March 3, 2015

BUT I've had symptoms since...

I had symptoms starting the summer before 8th grade. I noticed that my ribs would get really sore around my period. We thought it was a GI problem but all tests were perfect. On paper I was very healthy. I had cycles with this pain, it would come and go. Then in November 2013 I had the worst period I had ever had. It was just extremely painful. That period finished and life went back to normal until my next cycle. Around Christmas 2013, again a very painful period. But this time the pain didn't go away once my cycle ended. It still hasn't gone away. Anyways many Dr.s appointments and ER visits I went in for surgery and was diagnosed.
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 To take the above picture I had my boyfriend help me wrap the barbed wire around my belly. The barbed wire was actually more comfortable than my endo pain. With the barbed wire you can sit a certain way, not do such-and-such and avoid the pain. Endo is so much more complicated than that. It has a mind of its own. You can be good all day, not do anything that would set your pain off and then all the sudden you're smacked in the face with the pain. No warning. Now you just hope and pray that meds and your heating pad helps. The pain caused by endo is so complex and confusing its hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it.

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