Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Most people are surprised to know...

Most are surprised to know that there really isn't much doctors can do for me at this point. ALL of the endometriosis was removed in early December. Yet I'm still in daily pain. How can they fix something that isn't there? We now suspect that there is some nerve damage/inflammation and that's what's causing all of the pain. I'm currently doing several things to help and repair my nerves but it's a very slow process.
I don't get pain meds. I am prescribed something called Tramadol(non narcotic. Kinda like super Tylenol) and sometimes its amazing and helps so much and other times I question if I even took anything. I use several meds to help the pain in the long run. But on my bad days I only have Tylenol, Tramadol, essential oils, heat/ice, and sheer will to make it through. The pain has made me nauseous on a regular basis. I've passed out before. The pain even messes with my heart rate/rhythm, blood pressure and breathing. Even if I go to the ER all they can really do is dope me up on morphine and sometimes that doesn't even take the pain away. I have been completely maxed out on morphine, to the point I couldn't keep my oxygen levels up, and still one of the only things to register was pain. People ask me how I do it and I honestly don't know. I've always been stubborn and never given up. And I'll continue to be stubborn. With my last breath I'll be fighting.

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