Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I was diagnosed...

I was diagnosed through a laproscopy on February 19th, 2014. The surgeon makes a few small incisions in your abdomen, one of which usually in your bellybutton. Then the surgeon can stick his camera and tools through these small incisions which gives you an easier recovery as opposed to one big cut. To give the surgeon room to work and be able to see, your abdomen is inflated with gas. When they close you up some of the gas is trapped and will escape during the next few days. It usually escapes though your shoulder and its some of the worst pain I've ever experienced. Moving helps the gas escape quicker, even if you can only flap your arm like and injured bird :P

I was so excited to finally have a diagnoses even if it was something as life changing as endo. It meant the pain wasn't all in my head. I wasn't crazy. I had an answer as to why I hurt. When I was coming out of surgery I asked the nurse if they had found anything and when she said yes I burst into tears. It was such a relief.


Behind my uterus

big endometriosis implant behind right ovary
 So most of my endo is on the sack protecting the reproductive organs. You can see the discoloration, They almost look like sores. Even though they're small they can cause a LOT of pain. Just think how painful a small blister on your foot is. And every step you take is painful. Endometriosis is very similar in that respect.

uterus, tube and ovary
 For this surgery the surgeon burned the endo away.  That is not the most effective treatment or removal. Excision is. Excision takes ALL of the endometrial implant while burning only gets rid of the very top layer.
pool of blood in bottom of abdominal cavity

behind uterus again

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